

A joint effort between the U.S. and the European Union identifies criteria in transitions toward achieving airspace harmonization.


Synthetic vision technology has made rapid advances in the vivid 3D representation of terrain, bodies of water, obstacles and other real world environmental information that is critical to a pilot’s success.



Crowd Sourced and 3D Aircraft Weather Radar Technology

Using 3D data memory, volumetric buffering and advanced radar technologies, and the latest generation weather radar equipment, airspace operators now have unprecedented access to information about weather that will immediately affect their airborne aircraft as well as projected weather patterns thousands of nautical miles away that will eventually impact operations.


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On-Demand Cabins: The New In-Flight Entertainment

We examine how airframe manufacturers are providing the infrastructure that operators then build upon with innovative content deals and third party partnerships to facilitate today's airborne on-demand cabin.


The next paradigm shift in aircraft communications technology will be a tremendous step forward into a satellite-based network specifically designed to provide enough bandwidth and flexibility to enable improvements in flight operational efficiency and passenger experience for airlines and operators across the globe.

Synthetic Vision: Ascending to New Levels of Safety

Synthetic vision is no longer a technological luxury. Over the last five years, avionics and airframe manufacturers, operators and civil aviation authorities have researched aircraft accidents and overall flight operations to show the incredible safety enhancing benefits that result from providing a pilot with a clear, bright, high-definition view of the outside world right in the cockpit.

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In today's environment, data acquisition is more important than ever. Increasing the efficiency of flight operations in today's ultra-competitive global aviation industry requires operators to take advantage of 21st century data automation solutions.

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Avionics systems software and hardware upgrades can provide 21st century communications between pilots and Air Traffic Controllers like never before. Those same upgrades can also allow airspace users to fly more efficient flight paths with greater situational awareness than has ever been available in the global air transportation industry.

The Connected Aircraft: Beyond Passenger Entertainment and Into Flight Operations

Operators around the globe are deploying satellite and broadband-based connectivity solutions on their aircraft everyday to keep up with passenger demand. However, these systems can also provide enhanced flight operations by enabling real time data sharing with ground-based operational teams. We dig deeper into what the connected aircraft really means for the industry and global end users.